Monday, June 21, 2010

meme: day 25

My day in great detail is the assignment for today....

This morning was my morning to "sleep in" but Max had daycare today and so I needed to drive him into town. I took Max and Zuva into town. I dropped Max off at daycare and went into work for a minute while I passed some time. Zuva had a haircut appointment at 10:30.
When I got to the office I found out there was a sale of bedding plants at the greenhouse so I went over to the greenhouse with two co-workers and picked out two flats of bedding plants. I went back to pick up the van soI could just load them into the back and to get some money to pay for them. I decided when I went back to pick up the flats that I would just pick up another one and pay $18 instead of $12. It is such a bargain to get flowers from the greenhouse at work - and today is our ninth anniversary so it was nice to have something to come home with for Shel!
I took Zuva to get her haircut and they said they would call me when they were done. I hadn't planned on staying in town - for some reason I thought it would be really fast ? - I have no idea why I thought that. I didn't have anything to do so I went to the library and picked up two books. I took my books over to the hotel restaurant and had breakfast and a cup of coffee and read for a bit and then I went back and picked up Zuva. I hadn't received a phone call but it had been over and hour so I thought I would drive out and check on her and if she wasn't done I would just sit in the van and read, but they were done. It is weird to me when people say they will call and they don't.
Zuv and I came home and we arrived just as the trucks arrived to remove the grain bins from our property. The man who purchased the land around us asked us last year if he could move the bins onto our land until this spring and we said he could. They were just sold at auction and the people who purchased them have come to work on removing them. We will be left with four very large cement circles - which were the bases of the bins. I suppose we will have to figure out what to do with them which is somewhat annoying since they aren't ours and the owner just handed us a hassle. Oh well. I went to take some pictures of the bins coming down but realized it was going to take a long old time so I came back inside and went to take a nap. I lay down for a while but read mostly, it was not a very good nap.
When I got up from my nap I finished the book, took some more photos of the bins coming down and spoke to the case manager about having an aboriginal elder come out to the house this week to meet with us. I am excited to meet with the elder. Shel and I made a list a mile long of things we want to do before she comes. I called CC to check if the boys could spend one day with her so Shel and I could get some projects done and got that all arranged. Then Shel had me put together the steam cleaner we got for the floor. That was a HUGE pain, but I got it done and went to pick up Max.
Once I had Maxie we went to IGA and got drinks and chicken for supper and then went over to the ball diamonds at the lake to watch B play softball. We ate with B and B and watched ball until 7:30 and then we left to come home. Max fell asleep while we were driving home so I carried him up to bed and then the dogs and I went for a walk to check out how far they have come on the bins. It looks like they have two bins out of four taken down, and one of the pads is a MESS of rotten seed which we will need to clean up once they are gone.
Everyone in the house is asleep and I am now watching soccer and blogging!
That is my day - in detail!

1 comment:

Teena in Toronto said...

That's a lotta detail :)